Friday, April 28, 2017

Mission statement

Bora Bora is a spring water company. My companies target is everyone. I want to get people to choose my company as the number one choice for spring water by producing a creative design, and producing a healthy, and pure water taste and look to match the design .

Thursday, March 2, 2017

This is one of my favorite movie poster because just by looking at it you can tell what the movie is about. I also like that it does not have to show a lot of details in order to tell us what the movie is about. All around the poster is clean, and gives it a great look.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Dave Perillo Interview

First and foremost I really like the work that Dave Perillo does because just like he did, I grew up off of cartoons, so I can relate to what his mindset is like. I feel like I have seen his art somewhere whether it was a cartoon, in a magazine, or just in a book. One of the things that caught my attention the most was when he said everyone should be different when creating because if we were not different the world would have a million Garfields. I already knew to be different, but the way he put it he made it seem as though every character you create whether you like it or not has something that is unique about it that makes it stand out from the others, and I really liked when he said that.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

In my opinion Rethinking the way we sit down was a very interesting, informational, and funny video. His passion was airplanes, but sense he began to find it unromantic he transitioned into designing chairs, and took the knowledge he knew about designing airplanes and placed it in the chair department. I found it amazing how he took the information of how the body works, and placed that information in the creation of the his chair. He made it so that people did not need to make a manual adjustment to the chair to fit there personal needs. He continued after many failures so that it can adjust to the human body automatically, and also be comfortable at the same time.

Friday, January 27, 2017

How to Ruin a Great Design talked about one of many excellent examples of today's designs that are flawed in some way, shape, or form. It's upsetting to see that obviously no thought was put into the making of important street signs that every one has to look at everyday. Back then designs were easy to read. You didn't have to have a iq of 190 just to figure out what a sign was implying. There were no street signs that had you guessing nor should there ever be. Redesigns should be for the better never for the worst.

Friday, January 20, 2017

  • My computer experience is average
  • I barely used Photoshop and Illustrator
  • I do not have a computer at home
  • My major is graphic design
  • What I hope to get out of this class is a lot of experience so that I could be successful in the future
  • My favorite artist is Stan Lee 
  • I do not have a favorite musician because I listen to a lot of people
  • Something interesting about me is that I love to draw and make music of my own
  • I grew up in a place that is not to privileged, but i didn't complain because as a child I thought there was nothing wrong with it. The household I grew up in was unstable and creating was my way to escape reality. I believe that creating things of my own whether its music or art that I will be able to stop dreaming and actually bring those dreams to life. I was always told that I have a gift, but I don't see it as that because I feel as though everyone can do it if they apply themselves. Overall that is my main goal to get my family into a better safer living environment by any means necessary.