Saturday, February 17, 2018

How social media influences me

            Social media heavily influences me so much that I consider it a life long virtual teacher. It helps me learn the difference between right and wrong, discover new things that is going on around the world, and most importantly helps me determine life decisions I want to make. Ever since I could remember I loved creating. In kindergarten to about elementary I loved drawing. I really enjoyed watching cartoons and thinking if they could do it I could do it. What boosted my confidence even more was that classmates would begin asking me to draw them things and that made feel so great because that was the type of attention I wanted. I enjoy being noticed for something I love doing. Going from elementary to middle school I discovered that I could do more than just draw but I could also paint. I'm not talking about painting random streaks and wiggly lines, but things that actually made sense like the famous Mona Lisa. Once I was exposed to this type of art I begin to use my best and most valuable friend the internet.

         I use social media as a way to keep up with what's going on around the world. As of right now I enjoy seeing new fashion trends because I would like to be a clothing/sneaker designer. The only reason I knew this career choice was for me was because of the internet. When I was in kindergarten I wanted to be a doctor but with a little research I saw there was tons of school, and boring practices on that road and I'm not really a school guy. Then knew I wanted to be a artist, but I thought there was only one kind of artist. No one ever told me that the title "artist" means multiple things but that's before I did my research on the topic.

          I then saw that there was something called a cartoonist and I legitimately loved the thought of making something I loved watching as a kid. What kid doesn't like watching cartoons? I then saw something even better called a video game designer. If there was one thing I loved more than watching cartoons it would definitely be playing video games. At first I didn't even care about thinking about the people who created video games because I was more focused on having a good time. I begin looking on the internet to see the process of video game designing and found out it was a lengthy coordinated process but that's not what made change my career path for the umpteenth time. What made me change my mind was the fact that you may be placed on a project you don't want to be on. For example if you wanted to develop the new Call of Duty it may not matter because they would place you where you are needed like the new Barbie game. Just like that I lost interest in that path.
         Now I'm in high school not knowing what I want to do now because everything I wanted to be has been shot down by one thing or another. That's why I'm happy I did my research because if I didn't I would be stuck in a path I didn't want to be in. Now here is how I reached the climax of my career choice and knew this is what I wanted to do, more than anything else before. I'm scrolling through Instagram one day I see a guy painting on shoes. Not only did he do that but he was cutting, stitching, mixing and matching clothes together. It was maybe the best thing I have ever seen. Once again with a little research I saw the type of paint you needed in order to paint shoes, and with that info I began painting sneakers for friends that really enjoyed my art and supported what I was doing. With that being said I would like to say thank you internet.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Overdose Podcast

                 Hello everybody my name is Jeffrey Johnson. I am a student attending Camden County College, and I am a new blogger and podcaster. I run a podcast called Overdose. I talk about a number of interesting and fun topics on each and every episode. I really enjoy talking about things that are going on around the world that a lot of people has interest in because I like the fact that everyone has a different view on the topics and I like to know what everyone else thinks because I know we may not be on the same page. Even if people do agree with me I like to hear why they agree with me because it may not be for the same reasons. At the end of the day I believe everyone should have a say on something, and that is why I enjoy it.

    My very first podcast I posted was such an amazing experience. I liked it because we talked about some very good topics such as the Rodney Hood and cell phone situation. We said in that situation that it was very unnecessary and could have led to very bad things. We talked about the Serge Ibaka and James Johnson fight where we said James Johnson apologized for throwing punches at Serge Ibaka. Lastly we discussed LeBron getting angry at his team because they aren't on the right page as a team. He went off on his team and even the coaches, and he may be leaving during this off season. During the music breaks we listened to one of my many favorite songs which was Kanye West Heard em say. I don't know a lot of people that dislike this song because it is definitely a fan favorite.

I hope to have many great successful podcast in the future where I can hear everyone's opinion on the topics we discuss.

Here goes a link to my NBA dos and donts podcast

Friday, April 28, 2017

Mission statement

Bora Bora is a spring water company. My companies target is everyone. I want to get people to choose my company as the number one choice for spring water by producing a creative design, and producing a healthy, and pure water taste and look to match the design .